Dirty Laundry: A Sam Briscoe Thriller
by Pete Hamill

Sam Briscoe, a reporter who loves good booze, fast cars and beautiful women, Sam's women are beautiful and sleek as Red Emma, the Jaguar XJ-S with V-12 engine he sprung for after a big score at the black jack tables of Vegas. Sam can down the John Jameson with anyone in the house. And he can survive a belt on the head that would retire a light heavy-weight contender.
Dirty Laundry is the first of three Sam Briscoe thrillers. A former crack columnist for a New York City paper, Sam Briscoe, gets a terrified phone call from an old flame. Before he can get to her, she is murdered, and Sam is plunged into a strange case involving a couple of corpses, a guy who stole a bank and a surprising pay-off.
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